
There are countless projects we can work on to resist dehumanization and help hope rise in our world and our communities. In the Rising Hope newsletter, you’ll get access to unique project ideas each week. If you have ideas to add, send them through the Contact Us page.

Below we’ve listed a few “evergreen” projects — which means you can do them anytime individually or with your friends and family. Pick a project from the list and report back how it goes!


Notes to Neighbors – Even short ones will do! Remind people of their value and worth as a human being, include an encouraging message, inspirational quote, or Bible verse. Make sure to send these to people you know AND to those you don’t!

Letters to Political People – Encourage elected officials to fight instances of dehumanization and to bring our laws in line with valuing every individual made in the image of God.

Post the Truth (social media, text, or email) – Spread the word so others know what dehumanization is, how it’s happening, and how they can get involved in the resistance against it! Encourage them to join us at Rising Hope!

Notes to Workers in Forgotten Careers – Many people have jobs that can get forgotten, like the mailman, trash truck driver, etc. The next time you see one of them, give them a note and say how much you appreciate their work. They really contribute a lot to society, and it would be hard for life as we know it to run without them! Tell them that they are valuable human beings and share the Gospel with them!

Video Games – Do you play video games like Minecraft, Fortnite, Call of Duty, or others? If you do, you probably know that there are some people playing those games who aren’t very good or have trouble getting the feel of the game. Befriend them/join their team! You don’t have to do this permanently, but this could really make them smile and know that they are cared about. Send them encouraging notes during the battle/build and offer to show some of your skills to help them. Play with them for a while and show that you care about them and value them even if they aren’t the top player!


Scripture Cards – Make your own version of the cards below. Leave them in bathrooms, at the shelves at stores, on bulletin boards at church or school, pass them out to people in line or at the grocery store, or send them in the mail!

Messages on Rocks – Paint or draw on rocks with permanent markers. Use happy images and hopeful messages and leave them around your neighborhood.


Shoeboxes for Operation Christmas Child – Organize drives to collect materials or pack the boxes yourself! There is a great list of needed materials here.

Volunteer at Organizations – Find a great one near you or email [email protected] if you need help.

Party with Friends! – Invite friends over to watch an impactful movie or host a Zoom book discussion. You can find recommendations on our “Learn More” page.

-Music-set up a music program that sends out truth. You can do this with a group of your friends with several instruments, or you can do it individually.

Visit Nursing Homes – Sometimes the elderly in Nursing Homes feel lonely and need encouragement. A great way to cheer them up is to organize an event there with friends or individually! You can sing Christmas carols or Christian Songs, let them know you care about them, they are valuable, and other hopeful messages.

Fundraisers – This can also be done with a group of friends or individually. Make craft or bake sales or anything you can think of to help raise money and donate to organizations like Live Action, Samaritan’s Purse, and others!

Drive Thru – The next time you go through a fast-food drive thru, offer to pay for the person behind you. Bring a hopeful note or Scripture card and ask for that to be passed on to them. This will make them surprised and could make them feel loved and cheerful!

Be a Friend/Stand Up: Is there anyone you know at school, work, or in your community who has a different personality? Do others treat them badly? Befriend them because all human beings, no matter how we look, talk, and act are valuable individuals. Show them that they matter, that you care about them, and stand up for them.


Choose a people group to pray for today

Identify people around you who need a reminder of their value, and pray for them

Keep track of the events going on in your country, and pray

Gather your family or friends together and take turns praying for specific people

This Week’s Project:

– This will be sent out in the Newsletters when you sign up!

(I would like to give credit to a very special friend who helped me come up with a lot of these ideas!! Thank you!!)