The Problem

Dehumanization is when people view others with a lesser sense of dignity, or when they simply don’t care about others as people made in the image of God. Dehumanization has been the cause of many genocides, the start of wars, slavery, and unfortunately that’s not near the end of the list. That’s why it’s so essential to promote HOPE in our world today!

Below are several examples of dehumanization throughout history and today.

Armenian Genocide

The Armenian Genocide was started in 1915 by the Ottoman Turks. The Armenians are an ethnic group in Eurasia. Many Armenians at that time lived in Turkey. The Ottoman Turks didn’t like them, in part because most of the Armenians were Christians, so they started the Armenian Genocide to exterminate men, women, and children. They called human beings the “Armenian Problem,” and millions of Armenians were slaughtered because the Ottoman Turks hated them for their ethnicity and religion.

Our brothers and sisters in Christ have been persecuted throughout history and still today. In many countries, their human rights are stripped away just because of their religion. Many fellow Christians have been martyred for their faith because they will not deny the truth: that Jesus Christ is the Way, Truth, Life, and the One True God. No matter what stage of life you’re in, it’s important to get involved in some way to help our brothers and sisters in Christ.

Rwandan Genocide

In 1994, the Hutu tribe started the Rwandan Genocide. There were two main tribes in Rwanda: the Hutu tribe and the Tutsi tribe. The Hutu tribe was the majority, and they were in power, but they hated the Tutsis and there had been conflict between the tribes for generations. When the Hutus started the Rwandan Genocide, they called the Tutsi tribe “cockroaches.” They had no regard for these human beings, and within only a few months, 800,000 to 1 million members of the Tutsi tribe were slaughtered.

The Hutus and Tutsis were neighbors and countrymen, yet because of historical disagreements, the genocide began. Do you have any neighbors that you can’t stand or strongly disagree with? If so, you need to recognize that they are just as valuable as every other human being. Maybe they wouldn’t be the kind of person you can take out to coffee to try to get to know better, but it’s important to let others know that they are valuable individuals created in the image of God. Send that neighbor a caring note or letter in the mail. Who knows? Maybe that neighbor of yours is in a tough trial or is considering suicide, and although you don’t get along, you could change their life.

Slavery in the United States

Unfortunately, like many other countries, the U.S. had slavery in our history. Some Americans enslaved black people from the coasts of Africa, taking them away from their homelands and forcing them to be slaves and work for whites. Even after President Abraham Lincoln enforced the Emancipation Proclamation, black people were constantly discriminated against. Thankfully, people like Martin Luther King Jr. and others fought against dehumanization, and now all people groups in the United States (besides the unborn) are treated equally by the law.

Is there anyone you know at school, at work, at church, or in your community who is treated with less respect and dignity because they act or look a certain way? Because their personality isn’t “normal”? Discrimination starts in small ways, and we must be dedicated to stamping it out before it takes hold. Do people devalue that person? If so, you could help that unique and valuable individual. Stand up for them, write them encouraging notes, smile, and show you care about their individuality and are willing to appreciate their efforts and best qualities.

The Holocaust

The Jews are a people group who have been targeted countless times throughout history. One example of this was during WWII. Adolph Hitler and the Nazis despised the Jews; they thought the Jews were worthless and called them “rats” and “demons.” Hitler once said, “The Jews are undoubtedly a race, but absolutely not human.”

Can you think of anyone in your community or this world who is really struggling? Are people constantly against them? Are there any people you know who are so full of hate and believe terrible lies about other human beings? In addition to taking action, remember that prayer really does impact others. Being a prayer warrior is essential while you find ways to rescue and stand up for people who are being targeted. When we pray for others who are suffering greatly and let them know that we are on their side and fighting for them, it changes things. When we also pray and have compassion on our enemies and realize that they are valuable individuals created in the image of God, it changes things and opens doors to cut out the root of hate that leads to dehumanization.


Abortion is a dehumanization going on worldwide today. Society does not recognize the true value, worth, and dignity of unborn children. Instead, our culture is twisted up with the lies that it’s “the woman’s choice and body,” that the unborn are just “worthless clumps of cells,” or “potential life,” and the lies continue. Countless millions of children die to abortion each year.

Scientists recently found out that at the moment of conception, a flash of light occurs. This indicates that a new life has begun, and that it is a unique human being. Also, at the moment of conception, the person’s eye color, identity, personality, and so much more are already defined. This was true of you and me as well. At very early stages in the womb, babies look very human, and there is no mistake about that. But unfortunately, society disregards these amazing facts of human life and instead dehumanizes the unborn. Do you know anyone considering abortion or who thinks that we are only born (rather than created) with human rights? Tell them the true facts about the detailed development that goes on inside the womb and share the hard facts about abortion with them. ( is a difficult but valuable resource that has changed many minds with the truth.)

Human Trafficking

Human trafficking is also a big issue going on worldwide. Innocent individuals are stolen, their rights are totally disregarded, and it has messed up so many lives. Human traffickers take people and do terrible things to them, dehumanizing them and doing awful things for their evil pleasures and monetary gain.

If all criminals believed that human life is valuable, human trafficking and a host of other crimes against people wouldn’t happen. There is an organization called Prison Fellowship which was started by Charles W. Colson, who was in prison himself for awhile. This organization is present in prisons and tells criminals about Jesus, teaching them how to transform their life — valuing others and themselves in a dignified way. Is there anything you could do fight human trafficking or crime in our world or donate to organizations that focus on this?

Evolution in Schools

In 1868, a German biologist named Ernst Haeckel published a drawing of animal and human embryos. He did this to show how humans evolve in the womb. Haeckel’s drawing was used in high school textbooks for decades and taught as fact. Later, the drawing was proven false, and it was found out that Haeckel had even intentionally faked some of the drawings. There are many different evolution-based ideas in schools today that lead kids astray and convince them to believe we just “happened” with no cause and little purpose. This is an empty belief that has contributed to an epidemic of youth suicide and substance abuse.

Do you notice any dehumanizing lies being taught in school or other places around you? I would encourage you to fight against these lies and study resources that highlight the truth. Do your own due diligence on the topics you are studying, and ask good questions to those you trust. When you can, fight for the truth by bringing it to light for others as well.