About Us

Welcome! I’m Areyna Brown, the founder of Rising Hope. I started Rising Hope because dehumanization has destroyed our world for too long. Every single human being was created in the image of God, and I know young people like you and me can change the world and save lives.

I’m 14 years old, an Evangelical Christian, and a homeschooled student. I compete in speech, Lincoln Douglas debate, and Parliamentary debate. I volunteer in bookkeeping for Frontier Laborers for Christ, at the processing center for Operation Christmas Child, and I have enjoyed my previous volunteer experience with Colorado Family Life Center.

My dream is to help build a world where people recognize the value of each individual, people know that they are valuable and that life is worth living, Jesus Christ is the only true Way, Truth, and Life, and where dehumanization will decrease, and HOPE will increase. Join me at Rising Hope!